School shopping can be stressful, but only you make it that way...So I'll help.
1.) Go through the closet:
*Throw away things you don't wear(I think I've explained this 3 times now in other posts...)
*Then make a list of clothes you need. Nothing relating to spring/summer clothing should be on it. I'm serious, this will help you once it gets cooler and all you bought were shorts, tanks, and dresses.
*Make a list of clothing you want.
2.) Go shopping!:
*You can go once and do it all, or go shopping multiple times. I would suggest going multiple times so you have more options, different sales, new clothes to choose from(hint: Most clothing stores get a new shipment of different clothes every week or every other week).
*Sometimes you need to go shopping by yourself. Some of your friends can influence you into buying clothes that really aren't you. You'll end up wearing it a couple times then it goes away in the closet. I learned from this myself, I like going shopping with my closest friends because they truly know what you like. Plus my friends know I speak what I'm thinking, if it's ugly. It's ugly.
*Watch out for sales. Some sales can be awesome, you get $10 off of $50 or buy one get one free, etc. However be wary of sales that say for example: 5 shirts for $20, it sounds great, but usually, those shirts are basic t-shirts and you get sucked in, and then you have 5 t-shirts and not enough killer pieces in your wardrobe.
*Put together outfits from multiple clothing stores. If you but a whole outfit from one place, it's kinda weird and usually you can't separate that outfit and wear the pieces separately.
*While shopping keep in mind of your own closet back at home. What outfits you can make with new pieces you buy and what shoes go with what pieces you want to buy.
*Buy a few trend pieces. Here's some trends this year: Skinny jeans are still in, high-waisted trousers or skirts or jeans, flared jeans have come back, floral is still popular, cropped tops are awesome, tunics and leggings, jeggings are staying for awhile(careful, make sure they actually look like jeans and not leggings), colored skinny jeans(Be careful, don't end up with puke green pants or hot pink pants that look really tacky), oxfords/brogues are becoming more and more popular, moccasins are kind of disappearing(we'll see what happens come winter time, moccasin boots are cool though), flowy shirts are in too.
*Also when jean shopping. Just go for jeans and try on tons of jeans because it can truly be hard finding that perfect fit and length, you need tons of options. Take it from a girl with long track legs and no hips, I know it's hard and the fitting room lights are terribly lit and make you think you look horrible.
Some helpful hints in a clothing store, from a lowly girl who stands there folding all day:
1.)Do not ask if we have an item in the back. We hate this because, sometimes there isn't even a back to the store, stock could be anywhere. Anyways if it's not in your size, seriously, it probably wasn't meant to be, it was probably a piece that would stay hidden in your closet never to return)
2.)Don't take tons of clothing into the fitting room. You'll be in there forever first of all. Second of all, you shouldn't be buying whole outfits at one clothing store like I mentioned before. And third, you most likely leave your clothes strewn all over the fitting room so when someone like me walks in there, we are just so thrilled that you were a major slob of a customer).
3.)Do not ask us how an item of clothing fits. We honestly have no idea. Try it on yourself, that's what the fitting room is for. Try on your honest size, don't buy something that's too small or too big, because you won't wear it.
...I think that's all I got for now. I have a lot of other rants about working but you are the customer and so am I, I won't offend you too much.
Coming soon: First Day of School Outfits because I know you're all stressed.
A small-town evolving fashion designer spreading her opinions and knowledge of fashion; while trying to prove to her father that fashion is not a useless college major
Monday, August 22, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Uhm...Bobs...Really? TOMS vs. BOBS
Alright, I'm not sure if you've seen these yet... But everyone knows about Toms shoes right? They're adorable, designed by Blake Mycoskie designed them with his one for one movement. Toms stands for tomorrow, for every pair of shoes sold, another pair is given to a child in need. You can read the story here .
The latest Tom's shoes by artist Tyler Ramsey.
So...The sketchers company obviously can't come up with their own ideas. I'm mad. These new shoes came out a few weeks ago called Bobs. Sounds sketchy right? And they'll donate a pair to a child in need when you buy a pair...Sounds all too familiar. Well here they are:
I'm seriously mad. There's actually a website you can check here where they bash Sketchers, how they "Shot themselves in the foot". Blake Mycoskie should be suing. It's the exact same concept with a shoe that mocks Toms. Maybe Sketchers could've designed a different looking shoe for their campaign. It would've made the situation a lot better. I actually feel bad for sketchers and their blatant lack of good designers.
I'm just spreading my opinion about stupid fashion issues, I'm not trying to run Sketchers to the ground.
The latest Tom's shoes by artist Tyler Ramsey.
So...The sketchers company obviously can't come up with their own ideas. I'm mad. These new shoes came out a few weeks ago called Bobs. Sounds sketchy right? And they'll donate a pair to a child in need when you buy a pair...Sounds all too familiar. Well here they are:
I'm seriously mad. There's actually a website you can check here where they bash Sketchers, how they "Shot themselves in the foot". Blake Mycoskie should be suing. It's the exact same concept with a shoe that mocks Toms. Maybe Sketchers could've designed a different looking shoe for their campaign. It would've made the situation a lot better. I actually feel bad for sketchers and their blatant lack of good designers.
I'm just spreading my opinion about stupid fashion issues, I'm not trying to run Sketchers to the ground.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Steps to Style: Step 4: And then there was one...
The very last step! It's short sweet and to the point.
Be yourself!
Take risks in fashion. (this is true! Wear something normal humans don't normally wear, like suspenders; my favorite!)
Don't follow all the trends!
Keep an eye out for new fashion discoveries(random people who look really good and different pieces for your wardrobe)
Compliment people on their clothing/style. (It makes you seem fashion smart and most likely 98% of the time they'll compliment you back)
I think that's all I got. Oh, and embrace your own style, love it, live it, and breathe it.
More posts coming soon...
Be yourself!
Take risks in fashion. (this is true! Wear something normal humans don't normally wear, like suspenders; my favorite!)
Don't follow all the trends!
Keep an eye out for new fashion discoveries(random people who look really good and different pieces for your wardrobe)
Compliment people on their clothing/style. (It makes you seem fashion smart and most likely 98% of the time they'll compliment you back)
I think that's all I got. Oh, and embrace your own style, love it, live it, and breathe it.
More posts coming soon...
Friday, August 12, 2011
Steps to Style: Step 3: Introduction to Styles
Now that you know somewhat of what you like and who you are, I'll introduce you to some popular styles. Maybe you're not one of these, maybe you're a mix. Therefore, you could already have unique style. I'm a mix of styles, so don't worry. Vintage: Inspiration from vintage clothing, wearing vintage clothing, black, white, pearly pink, and royal colors are big. You could also have a style from a certain vintage era such as the 20s, 50s, 60s, etc. Vintage is a part of my own style. I love boyfriend blazers, pearls, ray bans and a lot of other vintage clothing or inspired clothing.
Boho:Inspiration definitely from Mexico, Spain, India, and America. Natural looking clothing. Bright colors are a key aspect to this style, bohemian braids, fringe. I have a friend who's style has a boho feel.
Edgy:It's what it sounds like, this style has an edgy feel with darker colors, skulls, spikes, chains, and fringe. It's not 'goth' and it's not 'emo' either, there's always some femininity. My own style has some edgy elements.
Romantic: Very, very feminine. Light and soft colors, frills, floral patterns, basically just plain pretty. My own style has some romantic inspiration.
Hipster: Very modern. Don't care attitude, jesus sandals, sweaters, pop culture t-shirts from now or most likely the 90s, definitely owl aspects in the form of jewelry.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Steps to Style: Step 2: Knowing yourself and what you like.
So style isn't fake. Obviously it has to be you. You can definitely be inspired by other people but you can't be them, you have to be you. So first let's follow some ground rules on style:
Okay, let's get started. Go through your closet, go through all your clothes. Make separate piles. One is for clothes you like and wear. Another for clothes you aren't sure about. The last one is for clothes that don't fit you and clothes that you definitely don't like anymore. Put the clothes you like back in the closet. The pile you're unsure about, try them on. Decide if you like them or not. Finally take the clothes you don't like/don't fit you and bring them to good will or a local thrift shop. (Partly taken from Lauren Conrad's book of Style)
Next, find what inspires you. If you don't know what this means, here's what inspires me:
-People: Audrey Hepburn, Twiggy, Coco Chanel, Oscar de la Renta, Zooey Deschanel, etc.

Art: Vladimir Kush, Magritte, Monet, Toulouse-Lautrec, James Jaques Joseph Tissot, Giacomo Balla, etc.

Music: The Beatles, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Foster the People, Cage the Elephant, Never Shout Never, Green Day, Kid Cudi, Mac Miller, She & Him, The Downtown Fiction, Two Door Cinema Club, etc. etc. (There's too many to name)
The sixties(no not hippies), costume jewelry(pearls), other various vintage items, drawing, designing, painting, writing, some amount of edgyness.
So yes, now that you know a lot about me, find out who you are, what inspires you.
p.s: Find some describing words or words that you just like: I like snazzy(not like shnazzy), classy, jazzy, iridescent, fancy, cute, adore, aquamarine, multiple french words and phrases.
Also what your favorite colors are: Aquamarine, Pearly pink, Red, Black, Silver, Gold, Mocha, White, etc.
And favorite patterns: Stripes, Polka-dots, Herring-Bone, etc.
Eventually you'll see this will all come together, I know I'm throwing a lot at you...Don't worry.
- Be you. Of course.
- Wearing generic label brands such as Hollister, American Eagle, Abercrombie, and so on does not qualify as style. And yes, they really are generic actually. Don't try proving me wrong.
- Buying expensive clothing does not mean you have style. It means you're probably broke and could have bought some really ugly clothing. Being a recessionista(yes that cheesy term from TJ Max) and having style is just as awesome.
- There really aren't too many rules.
Okay, let's get started. Go through your closet, go through all your clothes. Make separate piles. One is for clothes you like and wear. Another for clothes you aren't sure about. The last one is for clothes that don't fit you and clothes that you definitely don't like anymore. Put the clothes you like back in the closet. The pile you're unsure about, try them on. Decide if you like them or not. Finally take the clothes you don't like/don't fit you and bring them to good will or a local thrift shop. (Partly taken from Lauren Conrad's book of Style)
Next, find what inspires you. If you don't know what this means, here's what inspires me:
-People: Audrey Hepburn, Twiggy, Coco Chanel, Oscar de la Renta, Zooey Deschanel, etc.

Art: Vladimir Kush, Magritte, Monet, Toulouse-Lautrec, James Jaques Joseph Tissot, Giacomo Balla, etc.

Music: The Beatles, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Foster the People, Cage the Elephant, Never Shout Never, Green Day, Kid Cudi, Mac Miller, She & Him, The Downtown Fiction, Two Door Cinema Club, etc. etc. (There's too many to name)
The sixties(no not hippies), costume jewelry(pearls), other various vintage items, drawing, designing, painting, writing, some amount of edgyness.
So yes, now that you know a lot about me, find out who you are, what inspires you.
p.s: Find some describing words or words that you just like: I like snazzy(not like shnazzy), classy, jazzy, iridescent, fancy, cute, adore, aquamarine, multiple french words and phrases.
Also what your favorite colors are: Aquamarine, Pearly pink, Red, Black, Silver, Gold, Mocha, White, etc.
And favorite patterns: Stripes, Polka-dots, Herring-Bone, etc.
Eventually you'll see this will all come together, I know I'm throwing a lot at you...Don't worry.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Steps to Style: Step 1: Gain the knowledge I'm throwing at you.
STYLE. What is that?
I'll make this as simple as I can.

Style: noun, a particular, distinctive, or characteristic mode of action or manner of acting: They do these things in a grand style.(I like this definition from
NOT to get confused with a trend.
What is a trend?
Trend: noun, a direction of all aspects of pop culture at a certain time(In this case it's fashion.)
To gain your own style, you need to gain the knowledge.(Dramatic pause) The knowledge of knowing the difference between a style and a trend.
I'll make this as simple as I can.
- A trend can be followed for days, weeks, months, or years.
- "Fashions(aka trends) fade, but style is eternal." -Yves Saint-Laurent
- Trends also go away, but they can come back.
- You can gain an individual style, you can get caught on a trend.
- There is such thing as trendy style: Someone who wears a lot of trends.

These are examples of style:
Vintage: Romantic:
Edgy: Hipster:
Stay posted for the next step: Step 2: Knowing yourself, knowing what you like, what styles are out there.
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