So, a lot of people wonder why I wear pearls everyday. Some people think it's weird.Pearls are a part of my style(steps to finding a style will be blogged about asap) and here is why, for all of you that question it.
My Story:

Searching through my Aunt's house wasn't what I had planned to do the day after her funeral. I didn't know what I would possibly find in a house that had been lived in for ages. As I rummaged through dresser drawers, a gleam caught my eye peeking from a jewelry box. It was a pearl necklace. It wasn't real; it was costume jewelry, but it was more than half a century old and perfect. There was more costume jewelry in the box, more glistening pearls and vintage beads. Soon after, I started wearing the jewelry that reflected my wardrobe. Everyday I wear a necklace from that box. Now you know all...hah
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