Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This is a request. I like when you give me requests, it makes me know what you want to read, so I'm not spending days waiting for that random inspiration to fly by my face. So let's talk togas. Toga day is thursday at my school, and for the rest of you, maybe you've always wondered how you can make a toga. Or halloween is next month, so let's make last minute togas.
What you'll need to look like a greek god/goddess:
1 bed sheet
Some safety pins
Possibly another human to help you
Yup that's it. When you're done, you can add some Roman bling with fake leaves or ribbon.

So I've done my research and here's what I found:
1.) tieatoga.com sucks. Don't bother looking at the website.

This is a pretty good tutorial, short, easy and it's pretty.
3.)Also a good toga how-to and there's pictures! http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Toga-out-of-a-Bedsheet

This guy is kinda weird, but it's a short tutorial and it's easy. This one works for guys too.
This is also a good one, you don't have to wear a t-shirt underneath like the girl says.
Also a very good tutorial, maybe the best one, although the old guy is a strange.
7.) If your toga is too long once you make it you can knot it at the bottom, or before you even tie it on yourself fold the sheet less than halfway.
8.) Wear undergarments. This shouldn't even have to be said. Also wear shorts underneath too.

These were the best I found, I'm going to experiment with a sheet as well, if I find a way to make an easy and good looking toga I'll possibly post it here.

Good luck with your togas and here's a really bad and cheesy tutorial(just wait until you hear the music) to make you laugh and wonder if people have a life:

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